So today was the last day of the semester for me, and as I approach exams like tank this upcoming school week, I thought it would be nice to quickly sum up and pause to reflect what Bible class 2013/2014 has done for me.
All in all, it's been great. I always love to discuss the interesting points we have in class, and while some would argue that in Bible class, you should study the Bible, this past semester has taught me that no matter what, EVERYTHING can be related to God and the Bible, using something called, The Biblical Throughlines:
We were asked to somehow relate the Biblical Throughlines to our passion projects we've been working on all semester, and that got me thinking about things outside this project on this blog, which I think was the purpose of learning them!
Here are the throughlines I thought fit well with the topic of dreams:
-Order-discoverers (this one is unfortunately not featured on the picture, but it is a throughline!)
Generally though, with this project I would just like to say how thankful I am to have had the opportunity to learn about dreams! Having so much freedom in this project helped me discover the importance of how you have to be on top of yourselves, which is a key necessity for the real world. We can learn so much from these projects, other than just the obvious. While I truly believe that this is forever my last post on Somnium Ignotis, I would love nothing more than to continue to search my own dreamworld and what God has to offer me in my life beyond school (I'm graduating in June), and how everything relates and intertwines. This experience has been great, and I can't wait to do more. Huge shout out to my mentor, Betty Brandt for helping me out when I was on the dim side with knowledge about this topic. Thanks for reading, keep it real.