Monday 30 September 2013


Hello friends!
Welcome to my blog, Sominum Ignotis. This blog is for a school project in which we (the students) get to pick a topic that could be completely unrelated to school at all. Now, throughout the semester, we will explore our topics and learn enough to give a final presentation at the end (not to mention a quick pitch about our projects in the near future).
Potential ideas you could pick for your project include things you want to strive to become better at, things you just want to know about or things you just want to do simply to say that you have done it.
I wrote a list of things I'm not very good at, so that I could maybe pick something from there that I'd like to become better at. Things in my list included, math, sports and drawing. Well in all honesty, I didn't want to learn any of those things. So I scrapped those ideas and tried to think some more.
Then the idea came to me. First it was just a wisp, not even a full idea, and then I really put some thought into it and voila: Somnium Ignotis.
My blog has probably been judged and overlooked multiple times due to the awkward and strange name. Well I just wanted to come up with something unique that you wouldn't hear everyday, and frankly, this blog name sounds as though it could be a spell in Harry Potter (kudos to those who just said Somnium Ignotis in a British accent to see if my point was true or not). The name is Latin for, dream unknown.
That is my project idea! I want to study dreams! When I came up with the topic of dreams, my brain was flooded with questions that I've always had concerning the topic. Things like,
-why do we dream?
-how are dreams related to the Bible?
-what do dreams mean?
-how does God speak to us through dreams?
The idea became for realistic for me, and I became very enthusiastic for this project. I still am, and I can't wait to share my information on this blog and with my peers. I found a mentor, and my timeline I made will guide me each month to research a main question or two, and by the end of the semester, I hope to try theophostic prayer, and look into lucid dreaming more (something I actually do often).
I can't wait to discover more, and I hope you'll stick around to hear more!