Monday 18 November 2013

The Beginning Strands Of Theophostic Prayer

Hello friends!
One of the things I wanted to do as part of my project was something called, "theophostic prayer."
From what I understand, theophostic prayer is a ministry where you seek the Lord in prayer. It is not a form of counselling, it simply identify's with your emotional pain that is harboured through your experiences in your life. If your emotional pain is being rooted by a past experience, it is not likely that you will be able to let go of it until you find God's perspective in this prayer and are able to use Him as a guide to let go of your past and find comfort in what lies ahead.
My mentor does theophostic prayer with people, and so I will be attending an appointment with her this Friday, November 22 (It's also the first time I will be meeting her, so I'm very excited for that too!).
Again, from what I understand about it, is that you go into your appointment with a problem in your life, one that you would like to strive to fix. This problem may not necessarily be what you will end up fixing, because God is the one being sought by you, and He will show you whatever He wants you to see. Our minds are so complicated, and we may never completely understand what's going on inside of it, however God can help.
All in all, I know that this is not the greatest mother load of information, and if you would like more, please go to They certainly know more than me (haha) and it's a whole website dedicated to the ministry.
I am currently still in pursuit of more information myself, seeing as I am mentally trying to prepare myself for what will happen. One of my friends has done it before, and she's told me what it's kind of like, but I don't want to put anything down on here until I've experienced it for myself. After my appointment on Friday, I'm sure to make a post about it to share with you all about how it went!

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