Tuesday 7 January 2014


First of all, I'm going to put the rumour to rest that not everyone dreams.
Every single person dreams while they are asleep, just not everyone remembers what those dreams are. Some people have very vivid dreams, and can recall everything the next day. Other people can remember what a dream was in the morning, however throughout the day, the dreams fades and by the evening they cannot remember a single detail. And yet, there are even so some people who wake up, completely unaware of what they dreamt during their sleep. It's curious, really. According to livescience.com, scientists aren't even one hundred percent sure as to why not everyone can. New research suggests however, that people who respond more strongly than others when hearing their name.
Also, I imagine it may not be too much of a stretch to believe this, but it appears that more creative people tend to dream (or remember their dreams, rather) more rapidly, vividly and avidly. Dreams full of colour and backstory's and all that jazz. The reason why? Rowena-cory-daniells.com states that, "People who are prone to daydreaming and fantasy have less of a barrier between states of sleep and wakefulness and seem to more easily pass through them."
In addition to THAT, it also seems that video game players are able to control their dreams to a point, due to their high levels of concentration. These video game players are also more common in being able to lucid dream (dream, but knowing that you are in control).
Now I would like remind everyone that these facts are just generally speaking. Just because you don't remember  a super vivid dream, that's not to say that you are not creative. And just because you don't play video games excessively, doesn't mean that you cannot control your dreams to a point, or even lucid dream (I lucid dream quite often, and I can't even remember the last time I touched a video game remote!). And if we're talking about dreams that God sends as messages, I would say that that is not based on your creativity or video game standards either. THAT is about the person, not just dreams that you have because your thoughts have been racing on a specific subject or something along those lines...

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